Portfolio of Work
My Learning Design Approach
In the Analysis phase, I identify the learning needs and characteristics of the target audience, generally with a needs assessment to identify gaps & determine learning objectives. I conduct meetings with key stakeholders to gather any requirements and fully understand the learning needs, as well as use surveys and interviews to collect necessary data from the target audience.
During the Design phase, I work closely with the subject matter experts (SMEs) to determine how best to address the objectives, crafting a detailed plan for the potential learning experience. I lean heavily on Self-Directed Learning principles, empowering learners to take initiative and responsibility for their own learning journey, avoiding "sit and lecture" methods of yesteryear. I incorporate Experiential Learning, designing activities (ILT sessions, WBT microlearning, just-in-time training videos, & job aides) which focus on concrete experiences, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. I also integrate Andragogy & Project-Based Learning where possible, to provide practical, hands-on opportunities for learners to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts, ensuring the learning content is relevant & problem-centered, addressing real-life situations.
In the Development phase, I create and assemble the content and learning materials, including protoyping and storyboarding, outlining the structure and flow of the learning content, and creating drafts of the learning materials for review and feedback. I also work with the stakeholders to determine the most helpful platforms for delivering the content. Where appropriate, I incorporate Transformational Learning principles while developing any interactive content such as breakouts and knowledge checks, to encourage critical reflection, encouraging learners to question their assumptions. This ensures that the content is not only informative but also transformative, leading to a deeper understanding & perspective change where necessary. In this phase, I also use the team (SMEs, stakeholders, colleagues) to review & test the material, to ensure the content is accurate and engaging. This may look like a pilot course.
During the Implementation phase, I deliver the learning content to the target audience through the chosen platform, whether it’s online, in-person, or blended. This could look like facilitating a course online, in an event space, coordinating logistics such as scheduling, venue booking, and resource allocation. Or this could mean acting as a learning administrator, organizing a curriculum structure of WBTs, videos, and resources in an LMS. Or both. I ensure that the delivery modality is aligned with Andragogy principles as well as Self-Directed Learning, allowing learners to set their own goals, choose their learning strategies, & evaluate their own progress.
In the Evaluation phase, I work with the stakeholders to determine how best to assess the effectiveness of the learning experience and it's alignment with our primary objectives. I gather feedback from learners on their experience through surveys, assessments, & interviews. I also evaluate the impact of the experience by analyzing any data to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning experience. assessing changes in learners’ perspectives and understanding. This continuous feedback loop helps me improve and refine the learning content and delivery methods for the future.